Magnum Opus

Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Actualization

We have one mission: To help every human being become all they can be. And if that sounds bad ass, you are right. It is pretty bad ass. But let's back up.

How do you measure success? What does it mean to be truly wealthy?

The yardsticks of traditional success, the things we have been taught to chase, have left some of us wanting. Is this it? We should have known better. We should have been taught better. Why were we not taught better?

There is far more to the human experience than we have been led to believe. There are far better ways to calculate how we are doing in life.

Which way are you headed?

We believe in a kinetic kind of success. One based upon the measurement of growth. Personal, spiritual, physical, mental, relational, and holistic augmentation. We believe in taking who you are and who you could be and mixing them together. Into something, into someone, greater. We believe in reaching your fullest potential and ultimately transcending it.

To be more, ever more.

Not for the pursuit of trifle things like money, fame, and power, but for the sake of elevating humanity, showing mankind what is best about it, and to move the world forward by first moving ourselves. Up.

Let each become all.

We are Actualization.

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